Sunday, August 30, 2009

Going to start biking tomorrow morning

My plan as of right now is to get on a boat tomorrow morning with my bike and head across the sound and then start pushing the peddles down hi 3 till I gett to 101.

I hope school is starting well for everyone,

Thursday, August 27, 2009


Looks like Google didn't like all the clicking that my ads were getting so they shut it down. Bummer but it's no big deal. Anyways all is going well, I am still in Seattle and loving it. It is a really nice city. I am planning on how i am going to get from here to the coast but it will all work out.

more later,

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


I am in Seattle, I made it safely and am with Rose just checking in quick. I will have a more in depth train post in the coming days.

Monday, August 24, 2009

See ya everyboby

Heading to the train any minute now. My trailer is a lot more full then I was expecting it to be and I am pretty worried I am going to have to get rid of some stuff along the way but like I have been planning I will deal with it then.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Tomorrow morn

95% done packing and just got my rain coat. My dad is driving me to Milwaukee tomorrow morning for my train ride to Seattle. Once in Seattle I am going to kick it for a little while with Rose and Emily before heading up to Vancouver for the bike part of my journey. I will be bringing a Nokia N810

on my trip so anytime I snatch some WiFi from a shop or whatnot I can make some updates here.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Lil crash

So last Tuesday the day I posted the pictures of the bike and the trailer I was out on my bike in the evening and had a little unexpected meeting between the ground and my face. I went to the emergency room and got a few stitches and whatnot put in. I was wearing a helmet and didn't really hit my head anyways. Well, I got my stitches out today, my lips are still real swollen and my arm has a pretty bad abrasion but I think everything is healing nicely and it will not postpone my departure one bit.

Thanks a bunch.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

13 days.

I leave on a train out of Milwaukee in thirteen days, s
hould be pretty exciting stuff. Oh I also have a bike and a trailer takes a lookskies.