Tuesday, June 30, 2009

This is what is up


Periods commas and paragraphs will appear pretty much where ever they please. If this makes reading what I am trying to say hard I have two recommendations, either don't read it and whatever, "boo you freak" or read it to out loud pretending that it is me speaking with a funny voice.

Oahkay time for the words.

Alright so I guess I will explain a little about what I am going to do and why I am going to do it.
For some of you this is old news and if that is the case feel free to stop reading and wait until my journey has begun check back, but for anyone who is interested, please read on. I spent two years at UWL and definitely had a good time, just not at all what I wanted to get from a college education. I showed up at registration without ever visiting or really knowing anything about it besides the size of the school, the fact it was public, I knew it was new a river, and that on that gay marriage referendum from a few years back it was the only county besides Dane to be cool, and that was enough for me I guess. Well I showed up and started classes completely undecided as to my major focus or basic general interests on a college level. I figured I would take some classes and something would pop out and capture my attention. I did that for a year and still nothing, I probably wouldn't have gone back for a second year but the housing market near campus is a sprint from September and I had already signed a lease with for fresh dudes in November. I could have looked for a subletter but that would have been a lot of work and I wasn't positive I wanted to leave so I figured I would stick it through a little bit longer and see if things changed. Long story short and then long again, they didn't. I mean, you know, things changed. Plenty of things changed, there was a presidential election and I took new classes, but what I was looking for to change didn't. Sooo, in October of 2008 I was pretty set on calling it donesies after that year. I had a few ideas about what I would do in between not being at La Crosse and whatever I did after not being at La Crosse, such as. Moving to the inner city of a large city, get fake documents, and enroll as a senior in high school again. That one I was pretty excited for, but then I kinda worked out that it was crazy and I couldn't do it. Another idea was rooting up to NYC, but that wasn't enough of a plan for me and without and goals I figured I would get lost and it would be a waste of time. The idea I spent the most time elaborating on was a coastal trip, I wasn't sure which coast or the means by which I would make the trip but that was for future me to figure out. The first thing I decided on was it would be the entire west coast, there was always something about the northwest that really interested me. When I was maybe a sophomore in high school I really wanted to go to school in Vancouver just because I had a feeling it was a really cool place. Anyways, I would go from Vancouver to Tijuana. Walking isn't my thing and car would be lame, those were what I started with. Then I decided on an old moped, one of the really classy skinny ones. Where you can barely go fast enough for university ave, I spent the next few weeks/months (I have a hard time remembering time) planning out my trip with that as my plan. But the more I thought about it the more I realized that with the time I was allocating I could take a much slower mode of transport and really rely on myself much more. At that point it was pretty clear I was gunna be biking.

My plan as of now, Tuesday June 30th is to go to the Colorado the last week of July, come back to Madison after that, work for two more weeks and then start heading to Seattle. Right now I am not sure how I am going to get to Seattle, some friends are moving out there around that time and I might try to squeeze in with them in their van as I wont be bringing that much with me but they aren't sure when they will be going yet and if there will be room, another possibility is for me to take the train to the coast which would be fun but much more expensive. From there I will bum around the city for a while couch surf and see what I can. I am going to buy my bike when I get out there so I will be looking for a good bike co op or used store where I can get a good deal on something alright. Then once September rolls around I am going to take a fairy up into Canada more specifically Vancouver where my bicycle journey will begin.

Right now, if i leave when I want to and get on the road in time I will have to bike 15 miles a day to get to Mexico by the first of January, This is why I plan on biking 30 miles a day, this will allow me to take days off if I need to or if i to a good stretch in a row I could spend a week or so in a place if I like the area. 30 miles a day is not very much at all in a bike touring sense and I am planning on that with the slight expectation that I will be doing more then that once I get in better shape and used to the trip. Cause biking 30 miles leaves a lot of time of who knows what for the rest of the day. I am still trying to think of things to fill my time then, I am open to ideas.

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