Friday, October 9, 2009

Been a little while

I am still in San Francisco but will be leaving Monday morning by way of Craigslist rideshare with a guy named Fred in a pickup. It was crazy how moany offers there were to get really anywhere on the west coast last minute. I had to be a little bit more choosy as to find something that would fit my bike but I called him and he seemed real cool, willing to pick me up from where ever in the city and drop me off at Thoms place in LA. Anypoo's this last week and so is SF has been amazing. I haven't really done much either, just biking around trying to get fermilier with the areas I will be spending my times in. Yesterday Willie texted me saying that my brother had sent me a pakage to his place and I could come pick it up... Goggles!! They are pretty boss and better late then never.

Sooo, yeah if you are reading this I probably miss you or you are a vauge aquantice of mine who is interested in my journey and either way thank you. More to come from LA.


Naw kidding,

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