Wednesday, September 23, 2009


So here I am! I camped in Brookings and in the morning packed up, biked to the border of Or/Ca, made a sign reading Eureka and waited at a stoplight for like 10-15 minutes before a guy pulled over in a truck and offered me a ride a good half way there. He dropped me off at his town near a gas station and wished me luck, I got a sub from subway and made a new sign because I left my other one in my rush to pack up and stood at the lights again. This time it was less then 5 minutes before a friendly looking guy pulled up in an old Cadi. I was unsure if al my stuff would fit in but he was confident, so we fit it all in the back of his car and we went to Eurkea. I wanted to get to Eureka so badly because I had set up some couch surfing with a couple who lived there and I was/am pretty beat from all the hills and sun a whatnot. Chris and Savanna are extreamly nice and hospitable and I enjoyed my time here a whole bunch. So I get dropped off by the very talkitive cadi owner at the Co-Op in town and I call up Savanna to see whats up. She was at work but was about to take her lunch break so I met up with her there. I then called up Greenpeace because it had been a week and low and behold she was all "Yeah you got it, swing by when you are in town and I can give you the info." Sweet! A biker I had been travling with for a few days was telling me about this big folk fest in San F on the weekend of the 1st 2nd and 3rd ( my 21st birthday weekend) and I was really excited for that and then Chris tells me about this big electronic music parade/dance party which goes on the same weekend and Bam I look it up and LovEvolution is on Oct 3rd with stuff going on the entire week before, so now I am supper pummped to get to the city because I get to look for a room to sublet and explore where I will be spending at least 3 months and yeah. So it is cold and damp out now but it should dry up pretty soon when the sun cooks off the rest of the fog and I will head back out on the road but I am worried that the excitement of getting to SF will cause me to hitch a little more the I was planning on but we will see.

Yay puck,


kc said...

Hey Arthur,
Congrats on making it to Eureka! And congrats on Greenpeace. Please don't end up on the street corner with the rest of them or I might have to find you and punch you in the face morning-crow style. You know the type. It was great to have a biking partner for part of the way, I hope we can keep in touch.
Take care and keep living dangerously. kc

benjbecker said...

You're blowing my mind. The pictures look great as well.

guide and seek said...

congrats! so wait--ben says the pictures look great--what pictures? You said you planned to post some soon--where are they?