Monday, September 7, 2009

The coast

Wow today was quite the ride but I will get to that later. After Raymond I kept heading south. I few miles down the road I got to south Bend and acording to the waitress at the diner I had lunch at there was a nice campground just a few miles past the town. South bend has a 'big' Labor day celebration which they were preparing for and acording to all the signs in town South bend is the oyster capital of the world. Anywho, walk my bike up a nice big hill and halfway up there is a sign saying that in 1/4 mile there's a county campground. I keep on pushing and finally get there. Once there I stop and ask a friendly looking couple who I should. They tell me to put the money in the box but if I want I can share a site with them. I take them up on it and set up my tent. It is a nice site and they feed me in the morning, on a full tummy I head towards Oregon dreding the Astoria bridge which I will figure out later. Its raining a little bit when I leave but figure it will clear up, it doesn't. I am much closer to the coast and the wind is powerfull and the rain is blinding so i stick out my thumb. after about four miles a pickup pulls over ahead of me and seeming friendly I load my bike in the back. Best decision of my life, friendly guy they were and all but it wasn't till the bridge when I was really glad I took the ride. It's bout 4 miles long with no real shoulder, lots of debris, painful winds, and a 200 foot climb at the end. They drop me off in Astoria and wish me luck, the downtown is cute and it is definitly a nice change from the Washington towns I was getting used to. I met a German biker and a couple riding tandem from New England they are all heading to some state park to the north so I follow. the park was nice and 4 dollars for bikers, two more bikers got in a little after us and the 6 of us talked till dark when we decided to hit the tents. Rained last night but had stopped and the sun was shining by the time I wanted to get up, I packed up and started biking south on 101. The Oregon coast bike map has a cool hill marker along the side so I knew I had three big hills today and wow, clifs and water on one side forests or rocks on the other, I walked up most of all three concidering hitching aging but deciding against it. The rides down were fun but a little petrafying, I am now at the bottom of the third which was 600 feet 9 percent grade down and I saw a pub advertizing free WiFi, taking them up on it I am sitting outside on my Nokia. I have bout 4 mile to go to get to the state park I am staying at tonight and I expect to see at least a few of the faces I met yesterday there.

Till later,


benjbecker said...

Wicked cool.

Unknown said...

Hi Arthur,
We are the friendly couple you met at Bruceport Park. Glad you made it across the Astoria bridge. You will enjoy the Oregon coast. Have a safe trip! It finally stopped raining, and we are back home now in Kirkland, Washington. You have a great looking blog, we will keep up on your travels.
Donald and Wendy

Anonymous said...

wow, the landscape you describe sounds awesome. Someday, I'll get a chance to see it too. On a bike. . .?
Glad you're meeting friendly, helpful folks. love from Jerusalem, Mom