Thursday, September 3, 2009


So I made it to Olympia yesterday eve for a total of about 45 miles biking. It really wasn't to bad until I started to rest that evening, then I could clearly tell I wasn't in shape. Hopefully as I continue it will become easier to get myself going in the morning. When I got into the city I popped into a B and N book sellers to use their free wifi and figure out how to get to Mike and Grace's place. There was a helpful woman sitting at the table next to me who could tell I was looking for something and offered her assistance. Turns out she grew up very close to where I was trying to get and gave me a very clear and direct route. I called up grace, told her I was close and on my way and headed out up and then down two huge hills over a bridge and finally I had to push my bike and trailer up the final hill to Grace's house. To say it was steep and long would not do it a pinch of justice. Grace showed me around the house which is adorable and perfect for them. Introduced me to the 5 chickens they are keeping out back and made sure I was comfortable then she had to run some errands which I was totally alright with because I needed to rest anyway. She returned with a friend and some veggies and we started to prepare some veggie fajitas for dinner. They were amazing with green red and yellow peppers, mushrooms, onions, and cucumbers, cheese, guacamole, and sour cream. And for the people who ate sea food they fried up some shrimp. We ate on the porch with a fire and marveled at the passing clouds. I am taking the day off from biking and Grace is showing me around the city. Right now we are at Evergreen because she needed to pick up some papers or something and I am using a library computer. It looks like I will be getting up tomorrow morning and head west on Hi 8 to a town called Elma Wa about thirty miles from Grace's. Then its just a short 20 mile ride to Aberdeen.

Word Juice,


Unknown said...

Digging the bike trip idea...looks like an amazing time!

benjbecker said...

Turn your swag on.

Unknown said...

This looks like your dad.

Come home.