Saturday, September 5, 2009

Passing through Raymond

Wow, camped at a really nice campground last night. The people running it were really nice and had a huge garden that they opened up to their guests. I had two big cucumbers and a nice tomatoe. This morning was a different story, started raining around midnight and kept on all morning. I was trying to wait it out in my tent but around 11 I figured I had better get started. Packing up in the rain is pretty horible, I thought I would wear my pack instead of strapping it to my trailer. Bad idea, I basically cried the entire 18 miles to Raymond from Artic where I spent the night. I ended taking it off and strapping it back onto the trailer. Long story whatnot I am finishing a 2 o clock meal in a diner that offers free WiFi and have really no idea where I am going to stop today.


1 comment:

Guide and Seek said...

Louie, how come you left the great campground when it was raining? Was it dangerous biking in the rain? Too bad the bike doesn't have a big umbrella that can shelter you! Lottsa love from yer mom.