Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Still here

Like I said there is more to my story since my last post. I ended up staying at that coffee shop for a pretty long time, it was in the town Mendicino and there was a nice campground just a few miles south so that ended up being a pretty short day. Then the next day I headed out to Galalala(?) to camp when what do you know, my trailer breaks. So I hitch a ride to Manchester where there was a nice hardware store and rig up something I hope will work. I bike the last 15-20 miles to this nice campground and share the site with a girl/woman from Quebec. She shares her hummus and I call up some of the hostels in San Fran because she is poor with English, It was fun. The next morning I am a little worried about how my trailer is holding up after biking about 15 miles so I stop at a general store and the man tells me there is a bike shop in Bodega Bay, so I make a sign reading "Bodega Bay" and about an hour later after several "sorry no room" and whatnots a guy picks me up with a truck. He is only going like half way there but then he pulls over at a park to check on the water and decides the conditions aren't very good so what the hell he will drive me the whole way. What the conditions wern't very good for was diving and for most of the ride when he was talking about it and I was asking questions I assumed he meant scuba but turns out he actually just meant diving. He would dive down 30-50 feet for like 2 minutes and spear fish or collect some snail like thing of which I forget the name. Pretty cool stuff. So he drops me off at the bike shop, I bring my bike in, and the guy is all "Just sold what you would need" but he took a look at my rigup and deemed it a very good substitute for what had broke and that I shouldn't be to worried about fixing it and just to get a new piece when I get the chance. Having not planned to get to there that day I wasn't sure where to camp so I asked and he said the only real campground south of there was Taylor P something something and that was about 43 miles from town. So leaving Bo Bay a little after 3 I had some pushin to do to get there 'for it got dark. As soon as I started heading inland after the town the landscape changed dramatically. Big bare rolling hills, seemed like a totally different state. Oh, and the wind, it was hella windy and it would have been a perfect tailwind if I weren't going south east inland a bit. Anywho, I made my first wrong turn of my whole trip, or should I say wrong not turn, as Highway 1 took a 90 degree turn and I missed it. I went about 2 miles passed before realizing it. And those to miles out of my way were easy, downhill with a fast tailwind, getting back was crazy slow due to said wind and hill. I got back on route and proceeded to climb a few big climbs and descend a few big descents before arriving at my campsite with just enough sunlight to put up my tent. I woke up the next morning(this morning) with what looked like an easy 25 miles to the Golden Gate Bridge. I packed up slow and hit the streets a little after ten. It wasn't a hard ride at all with exception of a big hill but it was definitely a change of scenery. After the first 5 miles it was pretty much all city riding. There were just continuous back to back little town/citys all the way to the bay. Again, not bad just different. I was biking up that big hill I mentioned when a guy came up behind me also biking and asked where I was coming from. I told him my story as we climbed the hill and asked for advice on the best way to get to the bridge. He told me to just follow him for most of the way cause he was going pretty close cause there is a pizza place he likes to go to for lunch and whatnot. I end up going to the pizza place and he insists on buying me lunch as a welcome to the bay area sort of thing. It was great. I biked over the bridge which was windy to say the least and then made my way to the Greenpeace office on 17th st. Got introduced around to some of the GOT people and then spent the rest of the day reading and relaxing around the city.

Hope alls well


guide and seek said...

Atta boy Lou! You're terrif! BTW, for all of you following Louie/Arthur's odyssey, Oct 2 is his Bday--born 1988, your figure it out. Pretty special day for a pretty special guy.

Unknown said...

Art Louie, Art Louie!!!! I am so proud of you!!!!!!